経営哲学について My Coaching Philosophy:ストーリーズ:MARTHのLast Resort

経営哲学について My Coaching Philosophy

公開日:2018-12-22 15:13


Q: May I ask you a question, MARTH? I am an entrepreneur. I want you to be my business couch if possible. Would you please offer such coaching service? I’m interested in your management philosophy, your thoughts about management. Would you please talk more about it?



I have engaged in various kinds of businesses such as resort development, IT, restaurant, healing facility and so on… What is most important for me to run a business is whether I do something God wishes me to do. I wish to engage myself in something gods want me to do beyond human knowledge. I guess there have been various spiritual beings, people and leaders who died leaving various thoughts and love for their fellows behind in each area. I consider wishes of the people who have become gods, of the people of love, of the beautiful heart including those of the ancient times and of Atman is most important. 


I feel whether we are loved by God or not decides everything in spite of our advanced planning of business. Therefore, my management philosophy would be whether our business is loved by God or not. I’m sure my coaching would be to create such corporation. 



The most important thing is what gods, love, the true self, oneness or Shinga want us to do in a specific area in a specific time, and what is happiness for all human beings. I cannot but feel we need to see clearly what is best for all living beings and all substances, which are actually unknown, and work on them…


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