Q & A 本質で生きること 幸せな人生を生きるために:ストーリーズ:MARTHのLast Resort

Q & A 本質で生きること 幸せな人生を生きるために

公開日:2019-01-03 17:18



Q: Let me ask you a question, MARTH. I noticed “law of attraction”, to attract something good, some profitable deal, or good situation, has been popular among New Age people recently. If I understand what your say correctly, I feel I cannot attract something good. What do you say about it? 



結局、エゴシステムはエゴシステムしか引き寄せられないのです…。自我の恐れは恐れをです…。ですから、まず最初に良きものを引き寄せたければ、自分が変わることがなにより必要です。自分自身が、本質へ目覚め帰ることなのです。それは、自我という観念を信じないことでもあり、終焉させることであるのです…。いっぺんに全部できなくてもそちらへ向かおうと努力することは、とても良いことです…。 自我が妄想であったことに気づくことは、素晴らしいことなのです…。


Yes, exactly. After all, our ego system can only attract the ego system, as our fear of the ego can only attract the fear of the ego. Therefore, first of all, we need to change ourselves before we attract something good. We ourselves need to realize the true self and return to the existence. That is, we should not believe in an idea of the self and end it. It is very good that we try to do so although we may not be able to at a time. It is wonderful for us to realize the ego is an illusion. 



Then, while your sense of separation is replaced by the true essence, you will gradually attract something truly good such as love and peacefulness, even if you attracted a sense of separation, ego system, conflicts, fights and so on. And your luck as part of the existence will be better. You will be much happier. It will naturally happen unless the ego attracts something good out of ambitions and fears. 


This is the reason why true wise men tried to realize the selflessness, and end the ego from the ancient times. We will live the best life when we regain the true quality as it is the true self, and we are a child of the whole universe, of God, or whatever you call it. On the other hand, however, if we act out of our desires and ambitions without such awareness, we will surely be ruined by our true self. I feel now is the time for us human beings to unravel it scientifically. 




This world is in reality incredibly beautiful and wonderful. If we have a status, honor, power and whatever, however, we will not be able to stay happy as long as we believe in the ego (separation). What is most important is that we realize our original quality, we live it and return to the true self… 

This true quality that we are connected as one is the most important thing for us to realize. And all people in the world will naturally be happy, live in love and peace… Our hopes will not be fulfilled if we believe in an illusion of the ego. It is because the ego is a scientific illusion, all of us in the world is connected as one, and we are the universe itself, love itself and children of God themselves…








Therefore, if we take values of separation, which we call karma, seriously and keep them with us, and try to win, become strong, never lose, become great and so on, we will be punished by our love, which is the true quality of ourselves. 

If we believe in separation (the ego) for generations, parents will teach their children not to lose, to win, to become great. It is certain that the children will end up suffering. 

It is necessary for us to teach our children oneness, love and the true essence if we wish for their true prosperity and happiness.   


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